I'm sure by now, most people have heard of the chain of restaurants called TGI Fridays. (If you haven't than you should get out more, go meet some nice friendly people.)
Anyways, their slogan or tag-line is, "In here, it's always friday", which is actually a great saying to have.
Most people that work 9-5 Monday-Friday beg for the weekend to come, or at least Friday night. This is because they don't have work, and when you don't have work you free yourself up, and when you free yourself up you have a better time, and so on and so on.
There promise to every patron that steps foot in that door is that no matter what day of the week it is they will do their absolute best to ensure that while you eat at their establishment your time there will be awesome. Great times are always BREWING there - get it - which makes it a lot easier to unwind from the pressures of everyday life and just have a grand ol' time.
So even though their statement of everyday being Friday is technically false, I like how committed they are to treating everyday like it is the beginning of the weekend and how much energy is spent making every customer feel like they are on a little vacation.
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