
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Really??? Aprons???

I understand the analogy Progressive Auto Insurance is trying to convey here; that they never quit the job early like every other person who works anywhere else besides in a cozy little cubicle.

Hello!! You all work in an air conditioned office where if you did wear an apron you would be ridiculed and thought of as a weirdo and probably asked to go home.

You are nothing like people who work anywhere with an apron, so do not try and compare yourselves to them unless it is a comparison of how much you hate paying for car insurance! Which by the way should be an optional expense and not mandatory to have. I am speaking on behalf of everyone else who has NEVER gotten into an accident, yes, the people who actually paid attention in driving school.

And yes, Flo is the perfect example of a "dramatic flourish", and being "glamorous"; which brings up my last point.

You do not need to work hard because people NEED your service. It is a simple business that requires no heart or soul but the exact opposite; being robots making the uber rich even uber richer!

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