
Thursday, February 27, 2014

CAUTION: Hipsters Driving

Yes, it is true. When they graduate from a fixie to a car, there is an actual car company that is trying to get them all to themselves, Honda. Although they are not the only ones, Scion for example, this commercial sings to them like none other.

Something I have seen in L.A. is people putting neon lights on the frames of their fixies to ride around at night. It actually looks cool and futuristic, sort of like Tron, and makes it safer to drive at night.

Will I ever do this? No. Do hipsters do this? Yes.

The commercial has a scene where the Civic has neon lights plastered all over the sides of it driving at night, making it very obvious who is driving this type of vehicle.

Coincidence? I think not!

It also has your prototypical hipster with plaid button ups, tight pants, nerdy but sheek (shabby sheek) appearance, the cool kids who don't follow trends (although this is a trend), and the oddly unique individuals who just can't seem to find their niche.

Honda is letting the underground world know that there are hipsters everywhere; just look for our newest Civic and you will find them. 

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