
Tuesday, August 19, 2014


You have three seconds to choose forever which one you want, NOW CHOOSE!!!!!

Out of all the different types of soft drinks today, these two still are the big hitters. Although they look the same, kind of taste the same and basically are made from the same ingredients, there are still those who whole-heartedly favor one side over the other.

The picture above explains how the two are different; basically, Coke is the older, more traditional standard of cola. The Coca-Cola writing and symbols in the above picture are more traditional with the old school girl holding a glass bottle like from back in the day. They have been the golden standard ever since anyone can remember and they were good at it. 

Pepsi, on the other hand, is the young up-and-coming punk, the proverbial little brother who doesn't care about anything but is great at everything. (If you have younger siblings than you get what I just said, if not think of the new guy at the office who gets everything right the first try every time.) Pepsi is the young, attractive pop-star who is all about the glitz n' glam of the cola world. Look how they don't even have their name capitalized, they're just like yeah this is our name and we're good, no big deal. 

Coke has it's edge in advertising, which is they are grandfathered into the cola world and use their traditional style to keep their audience happy and filled with Coke. However, Pepsi however, came in strong years ago when they did the public blind taste tests and showed it on air letting people know that just because their name isn't Coke doesn't mean they can't put out some great tasting cola.

(I know the video is old and from Australia, but it is the same concept and there are plenty more just like it)

I like pepsi's ad campaigns, grabbing the attention of the younger crowd so they could build from the ground up. They present themselves as the hot new thing, the party person, the young hip cola compared to it's counterpart old faithful.

Coke has put out a new campaign that uses social media as a way to get it's name out there. #shareacoke This is a great way to utilize new age tools and not depend solely on their name to sell their product, as they are stepping away from the comfort zone.

When it comes down to it, they both taste good and I wouldn't mind having either one right now cause it's so hot out here in Cali, but thats besides the point. They both are hugely profitable, as both companies have plenty of contingencies in case these two heavy hitters fail to produce and whichever side you choose will not be based solely on taste but the whole company and it's advertising. 

Storyselling at it's finest

Friday, August 8, 2014

AM/PM has too much good stuff, even funny commercials!!!

It's been a while since I posted about content marketing, but this commercial had me laughing so I had to. Check it out right above or below the post, it's about these two dudes who meet randomly in an AM/PM and have a moment.

I know content marketing isn't supposed to tell what is actually being sold, but this is basically the same thing.

It makes people see what is offered at AM/PM, hot dogs with all the fixin's you could want, and how it could be customized to fit any persons UNI-que style. Get it, UNI, aw well.

Although the commercial is only fifteen seconds long, it does tell a story to the audience that this is the spot to go whenever you have a sudden urge to splurge. Their food and drink stations are too much good stuff, and their marketing team is all good stuff!

Anytime I actually watch a commercial without flipping the channel is because of a reason, the reason this one kept me on the hook was because it is just stupid funny and it makes me laugh.

Thats what I call good story selling.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Most Interesting Man in the World

Who doesn't love this guy? I mean, I have no idea who he is or why Dos Equis picked him for the spot, but who cares these commercials are fun!

they said his enemies list him as an emergency contact? Who thinks of stuff like this?

anyways, I love how not once do they mention the beer brewing process or how magnificent it tastes, or how well it goes when making a Michelada. My fellow Latinos will know what that is.

this is content marketing at it's best, using the popularity of this man and his awesome beard to sell this product.

story selling 101.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

1% is only 1%

Capital One has this new Quicksilver card that "awards" its' users a whopping 1% cash back option on all their purchases.

Hello!!!!! Am I the only person that went to basic math class!

ONE percent is almost nothing!! Capital One comes hard at you saying that it unlimited and how cash back will be applied to any purchases being made. This is all fine and dandy, until you look how much the apr will be and how much of a difference it will be.

This is content marketing because although they are letting the consumer what they do specifically, or how Quicksilver differentiates this card from other cards, they are selling this lavish lifestyle that could be obtained if you use this card.

They let the consumer know that with this celebrity endorsor and a couple huge purchases to make the cash back actually mean something, this card is going to change their lives for the better. How will they do this? They can't, its an empty promise that is just going to get whoever uses the card more bills at the beginning of the month.

Story Selling at its best.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Aren't you tired of that dude on t.v. that is always yelling about going back to school and how lazy you are and how much you suck at life and how cool he is because he has a sideways hat. 

Well, you are not alone my friend, I also am sick and tired of that fool on t.v. talking about how great life will be as long as you go back to school with Everest. 

I am actually surprised that there is not a .com at the end of this, because it is a trade school after all; and these are about as much money as you would pay at a private university. 

I am tired of these little commercials they run because it makes it seem like going there and graduating is so simple and that anyone can do it. False. Some people just do not test well, or can not handle authority so going back to school is not the right fit for them. I also do not like the fact they promise a better future as long as you go back to school, and how simple it will be as long as you pick up the phone and call!

They do not let you know, however, that you need to put in countless hours of studying, to go along with more stress than you are used to, while you are getting sped through these courses not a person but just another paycheck for them. You still have to pass the classes and get through school, and then you have a better CHANCE of getting a job. Nothing in life is guaranteed, not even after completing this trade school.

I wish they would stop targeting people are easily susceptible to making these snap decisions and who think that as long as they become part of the Everest family, they will have a much better life. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Really??? Aprons???

I understand the analogy Progressive Auto Insurance is trying to convey here; that they never quit the job early like every other person who works anywhere else besides in a cozy little cubicle.

Hello!! You all work in an air conditioned office where if you did wear an apron you would be ridiculed and thought of as a weirdo and probably asked to go home.

You are nothing like people who work anywhere with an apron, so do not try and compare yourselves to them unless it is a comparison of how much you hate paying for car insurance! Which by the way should be an optional expense and not mandatory to have. I am speaking on behalf of everyone else who has NEVER gotten into an accident, yes, the people who actually paid attention in driving school.

And yes, Flo is the perfect example of a "dramatic flourish", and being "glamorous"; which brings up my last point.

You do not need to work hard because people NEED your service. It is a simple business that requires no heart or soul but the exact opposite; being robots making the uber rich even uber richer!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Framily or Frenemy? How to successfully use a pyramid scheme

So Sprint has this new thing they are doing called  the Framily plan. I know, stupid right; what is this fourth grade phone planning now? Anyways, check out their commercial. 

So it's really only 25 bucks a month? Well yeah, after you sign up at least seven people, and after the second billing plan; that is of course, after you sign up seven six different people for their company!

This is basically a pyramid scheme being rubbed in the faces of people who are addicted to phone technology by promising a better tomorrow, (lower monthly payment), as long as they get more people under their belt. 

Also, they only give you ONE gigabit of data, which is nothing now-a-days when downloading apps is easy and only takes about a minute. But do not fret smart phone users because you can also "customize" your plan so you could get unlimited or THREE gigs of data. Of course customize really means that you will not pay the glorified $25 a month but up to $45 in order to keep up with social media.

Also, I do not like how they do not talk about their service; from what I saw on Youtube, which is not credible just people given voices, is that they do not come anywhere near the other top providers when it comes to reliability and customer service.

Lastly, I saw one of the ads which stated at the end that best way to use this plan was to buy a smart phone from them. Obviously, this is not unlike any other provider or carrier, but it just ticks me off that they have the gall to say their plan, which only gives ONE gig of data should be used on a smart phone which has the capacity to use about hundred times that in a single day. (OK maybe not a day) But do not fret yet again, they offer payment plans for these phones that take two years to pay off.

So I ask you; is this a pyramid scheme that frenemies would use, or your supposed "Framily"?